A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Truth About Cats and Dogs

Today being a particularly beautiful Spring day, after a nice lie-in and a piece of crumb cake, I packed a backpack with a couple of manuscripts, a magazine, a bottle of water, and my phone, and the roomie and I wandered over to the East River, to the park there where they have not one, but two dog parks. One for the little guys, and one for the bigger ones. And well, we just watched. So cute. So adorable. A live action version of Animal Planet.

After we got our fill of the cuteness, he wandered off home, or elsewhere, and I sat on a bench in the sun with my reading and enjoyed the weather, and people watching. I love people watching.

Oh, but to tie this all back into the title above -- I never used to worry too much about whether I was a cat or a dog person. I mean, we didn't have either when I was growing up. Mom was scared of dogs, so they were out, and the closest I got to a cat when I was a child was the neighbor's little black one, which would come around to our back door, and mom would let me put out a bowl of milk for it, and then it would stand up on its little hind legs and lick my face with its cute, pink, scratchy tongue. When I went to college, and was off living on my own for the first time ever, I had a roommate who had two horribly trained cats, and besides being when I discovered my allergies to them, that was also when I got a first hand experience of what cat piss was like in places you really didn't want to have cat piss. Ahem. Ick.

Dogs, though. Dogs I still find cute. I wouldn't want to keep a dog in the city, though -- it just seems cruel to me to keep them in the tiny apartments we can consider home. Dogs should be able to run around and play. And don't even get me started on the silly looking dogs that ridiculous women keep in their purses. That's just wrong.

But looking at the puppies today, out playing with each other in the park... cute, I tell you. And so, I think I'm putting myself firmly on the "dog" side of the cats vs. dogs debate.

As long as I don't have to pick up their poop.


Blogger ***Dave said...

I think there's something to be said for both dogs and cats -- but I think dogs take a lot more work, and, thus, the lazy man in me votes for (a) having cats ourselves, and (b) having friends with dogs.

4/16/2006 1:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, yes... the cats ... forgot about them- the early ivy hall days- I remember you would find cat p*ss in your room, shoes, etc...your roomie was not a fan of changing the litter box :)

4/16/2006 2:50 PM

Blogger Miss Midwesterly said...

sprocket loves kate. and sprocket is not noisy or smelly, thank you very much! beagles, however--those are noisy. tell your roommate that no self-respecting beagle would sit in her lap. a cat will do all of those things for her. and anyway, how is a CAT any more "sanitary" than a dog? harumph! ;)

4/17/2006 11:34 AM

Blogger ktbuffy said...

Sprocket is adorable! The current roomie and I LOVE Sprocket! Saw a dog that looked just like him the other day, but older -- no longer a puppy. Still wiggled his little butt though.

And I never ever talk to the old roomie with the bad cats. Although, I will grant you, sometimes cats can still be cute. Matt and Ali have cute cats.

4/17/2006 12:34 PM

Blogger Lollygagger said...


4/20/2006 12:28 AM


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