A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Letter from the past

So a couple of years ago, with the lovely Miss K, I was in a writers/creativity group, that used as our "textbook", so to speak, The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. One of the exercises in it, or one that our fearless leader suggested, was to write an encouraging letter to our future self, which she would hold onto and mail back to us eventually. Earlier this week, I got my letter.
Dear Kate -
Wow! You are sooooo cool. I love reading what you write, and am constantly entertained by the twists and turns your imagination takes.
Besides which, you're gorgeous! Beauty is much more than skin deep, and you are to-the-bone beautiful. Heart & soul & smiling blue eyes.
Just know that you have a fan. More than one, I'm sure. When things are going wacky, and I'm not asking "What would Buffy do?", I just do what Kate does.
So thanks for you.
- Me.
Which, if nothing else, proves my egotism.


Blogger Rob S. said...

Go Kate!

(I wrote this in 5th grade, but only thought to post it now.)

3/25/2006 11:41 PM

Blogger ktbuffy said...

Hey there, Bonnie! Well, umm... hey! Great way of getting to know me is certainly through this here ole blog. The rest, I have no doubt, will all come in time!

3/27/2006 11:43 AM

Blogger ktbuffy said...

Also, I'm usually (hopefully) funnier and more entertaining than this one entry would suggest.

3/27/2006 11:44 AM

Blogger Ted Carter said...

I wrote a letter to myself once, but it was returned as "undeliverable."

3/27/2006 1:01 PM


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