A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Woot! New keychain!

It may not look like much, but that, my friends, is the sign of my having lost 10% of my body weight since I first joined my cult. Woohoo! My clothes all seem to fit differently -- from things I haven't tried to wear in ages popping out at me from the closet to more recent purchases feeling baggy and down right dowdy (if not entirely pull-off-able!). Had a good talk with my leader after the meeting, since I was a little concerned that the proper weight range for my height was still another 50 pounds away, and he's got me looking only another 20 pounds down the road. Which sounds so doable, in fact, that I'm seriously debating that big reward I was promising myself. It's still up in the air, but what do you think: tattoo or piercing? Vote below!



Blogger Unknown said...

I'm gonna go with voting piercing, but that's cuz (a) it's me, and (b) it's not totally permanent.

8/28/2006 5:20 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Also, Congrats! I need to consider working with this cult of yours.

8/28/2006 5:21 PM

Blogger The Girl in Black said...


Normally I would encourage the tattoo, since I'm all for those. But depending on *where* your piercing is... you may derive much more pleasure from the piercing. And what girl doesn't want the satisfaction a smart decision can bring?

Oh yeah... it's less permanent, too. Bonus!

Good luck!

8/28/2006 5:27 PM

Blogger DeAnna said...

Woot! Congrats!

Tattoo: Cheshire Cat
Location: Butt
Reason: It's a milestone of a significant achievement...it's a catastrophe!

While I realize you're not losing an immense amount of weight, you may want to give your skin time to adjust to being the right size before you ink it, as you don't want any distortion later on, just in case.

8/28/2006 11:03 PM

Blogger ***Dave said...

On the one hand, as someone who finds needles and the like utterly horrifying, neither piercings nor tattoos particularly pleasant to consider.

Piercings are (at least) not permanent, as has been noted. Nor will they fade, blur, or distort over time.

On the other hand, most piercings ... are ... shudder.

So ... maybe I should disqualify myself from answering, and simply say 'grats!

8/28/2006 11:39 PM

Blogger Day of the Hero said...

Go for the tatt! I just got one and it rocks... :)

8/29/2006 9:38 AM

Blogger Boulder Dude said...

Depends on if we get to see the tat/piercing or not. If we can't see them then the vote doesn't matter. ;P

I second the skin thing that De noted and that several of the more...ummm...entertaining piercing locations take a long time to heal and are susceptable to infection during that time.

8/29/2006 12:09 PM

Blogger jLow said...

Definitely go for the tatt! Just got my second one and LOVE it! And location is at your discretion because it is, afterall, YOUR reward (that you can share or not). It should be something that is definitive of you - not some fad thing.

Congrats on the hard-earned accomplishment!!!

8/29/2006 12:42 PM

Blogger Lela said...

Voice of experience votes piercing unless the tatt is small and doesn't involve words of any kind.

(Believe me, you don't want to go through life with someone-not-sleeping-with-you's name tattooed on your ass. Not that that's happened to me. *whistles innocently and backs away from the blog carefully*)

8/29/2006 3:34 PM


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