A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Evil quiz

Ooooh... How Devilish are you?

You and evil: where do you REALLY stand?

Now you're on to something interesting. You're good, but with just enough evil in you to get the job done. Fantastic! You join the ranks of goodies such as Han Solo, Batman, Spike, and (Captain) Jack Sparrow.Your friend in Devilish is the heroine, Jane Jarvis.Find out more at my site.
Take this quiz!


Blogger DeAnna said...

You're so evil, you belong in an evil petting zoo. It's time design your villain outfit, form an evil organization, and declare open war on the superhero of your choice.

Also, you're probably lots of fun to be around. Supervillains always are. They have style.

Your friend in Devilish is Lanalee Tremone, demon diva.


I wonder how this happened...purrrrr...

8/28/2006 11:09 PM


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