A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Friday, January 27, 2006

You know how you say something?

And suddenly, all you can think is that you've said it wrong? Or you don't know how the person you've said it to is going to take it? And if it's in person, you're frantically scanning their face to get an early clue to their reaction, and if it's by phone or email, the silence that can follow is suddenly filled with all the bad, awful, horrible things they might say in return?

It's something I have to do with some frequency in my day job -- breaking bad news to authors, telling editors their offer wasn't accepted, criticizing manuscripts. On the last point, I think I have some degree of empathy, due to being a writer myself, and knowing that any small bit of praise is what will matter in the long run. Hopefully.

...don't know where this was going. Was just in my colleague's office talking about a manuscript that I love, hoping he'll feel the same when he reads it. When I get it to him. But it's a weird little part of our business -- we're agents because we love books, and like writers, and surround ourselves with them, and become friends with our clients... but at the same time have to be careful about being TOO friendly with our clients, because it IS a business, and you don't want personal feelings getting in the way of the job. I guess it all ties in with the annoying author we tried to cut loose last week, and the colossal mess that turned into. I know, in that case, that I said things wrong, and didn't have long to wait at all to hear all the bad, horrible things she thought about what I said. I will be very happy if I don't have to go through anything like that any time soon.

And on that note -- think I'll go indulge in some shopping therapy at lunchtime.


Blogger Ted Carter said...

I decided a few years ago that "honest" is much more important than "nice," and so that is what I think about when faced with situations like this. I've lost my reputation for being "a really nice guy," but I manage to get a lot more done these days.

1/27/2006 12:50 PM

Blogger Jackie said...

I am much more interested in the type of shopping therapy, so dish! So almost did the thing this whole post was about! Whoops!

1/27/2006 12:56 PM

Blogger ktbuffy said...

Just got so many friends' birthdays coming up next month, that if I don't get started, I may never get all their gifts bought! Plus, I saw the sweetest purse in Banana Republic this morning... and still need to get Schmoopie her gift -- which, if she's reading this, I will not go into details about! Except to say that it's late, and I'm sorry!

1/27/2006 1:09 PM

Blogger Jackie said...

Shouldn't there be a rule where shopping therapy is about buying something for yourself.

1/27/2006 1:20 PM

Blogger Hythian said...

I think it is more about just having the fun of going to stores and poking at things and thinking "Would this purse go with my shoes or do I need new shoes to go with this purse?".

( Okay, that example wasn't of my style of shopping therapy, just for the record. Mine involves "Do I have any of this series of manga and do I want one volume to try it or as many of them as I can carry out of here?" )

1/27/2006 1:35 PM

Blogger ktbuffy said...

It was mostly looking at and touching lots of neat stuff and getting ideas for gifts -- didn't actually buy anything on this trip. Nice to get out of the office for an hour or so, too.

1/27/2006 2:34 PM


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