A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Is it just me...

...Or do almost all my posts lately begin with me apologizing for not posting more regularly? Sorry about that!

Maybe I'll just skip it, and get right to the good stuff.

I had a wonderful time last weekend at the Eden Writers Conference, and really enjoyed meeting the other speakers and the coordinators. In terms of picking up clients, I saw a few possibilities, but overall felt the conference (in its first year) had attracted a large percentage of very new writers who weren't quite ready to be faced with an agent. Still, I answered a lot of questions that I hope will set them on the right path for their future careers.

And that's what's mostly on my mind right now -- the future. Not just wedding stuff, but the whole shebang: moving, career, children, lifestyle, redecorating, packing, etc. Lots of stuff crowding my head right now, and I'm eager to get some of it out there in the big wide world.

Still, I'm practicing patience. Well... a little of it. I have plans, and I'm looking forward to implementing them, but there's a timeline I'm trying to stick to, though there are times I wish I could fast-forward. In the meantime, my sister C's wedding is a week from tomorrow, and I get to see Doyce in a tux! Woot! We're also hoping to get some pictures of both of us in our formal wear for a possible Christmas card/save the date announcement. Stay tuned!

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