A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Yet another level of geekiness

So, yes, for much the same reason as Ali, I watch Doctor Who. Never watched it before this season on SciFi, but I think I caught on pretty well. And that's partly because I read the recaps and the commentaries on Television Without Pity. The comments all season have varied between the pedantic, with references back to previous seasons from decades back, and the sublime, with discussions of world philosophy. And sometimes, it's all just about sharing how it makes us feel to watch something so good. To have vague thoughts about what might happen actually come to fruition. And that's very very cool.
I knew it would be something beautiful, but how could you prepare for this? It's like that whole grace thing again: on the tightrope, and then you jump into space and say something bullshitty like, "I think that the TARDIS is an angel and that it is also the Bad Wolf and that Rose is going to kill God and that God is behind the Daleks," in front of just everybody, and then every day before it goes live you go a little whiter thinking that you're going to get fired for talking crazy, and nobody will care what you have to say about TV because you love the Cylons and think a column about fuckin' Doctor Who is the most appropriate platform to hammer out your shit with God, and they'll put you away so fast you'd better just start drinking now...and then somebody reaches out and grabs you, and it turns out you're not crazy. At all. And you weren't making it all up just to seem smart and esoteric, and seeing random shadows. Even if it all looks different than you thought or hoped, and it always will, grace likes it when you jump. Jump more often. The Doctor already said that part, and also this is not about me. Sorry.
And even though the sound is that weird thing I feel is particularly British when I watch it on my tv, where the background sound and music is so much louder than it has any right to be, and it drowns out the dialogue sometimes, I'm going to keep watching the new season, even if it's a new Doctor now, because sometimes, and yes, I'm being corny, TV (and writing about it) makes you FEEL.


Blogger Sam said...

I missed a few episodes, but from the ones I saw, this incarnation of the Doctor was very well done.

He reminded me of the Tom Baker version. The one with the 17 foot long scarf.

Hopfully, the next one does as well.

6/16/2006 4:05 PM

Blogger Ali said...

I'll tell you right now, that doctor sure makes me FEEL...

6/16/2006 11:32 PM


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