A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Still all about me...

It's been a long, really great day all about me, and though I'm bound for bed momentarily, I had to share a bit about the fun that was my day.
  • Girl roomie woke me up that she couldn't get out of the apartment to go to work. Screwed the doorknob back in, called contractor to send a guy over. Was told he was blocks away and would be there soon.
  • Got wonderful birthday greetings from my brother and my neice, Doyce, Stan, Yi Shun, one of my sisters, my mom, and another sister.
  • Called the contractor again to find out when the guy would be here, so I could shower and get ready for my day of fun.
  • Elena came over and gave me presents, including a tiara which I immediately put on and wore the entire rest of the day, and the special editon of Dirty Dancing, because no one, and I mean NO ONE, puts Baby in a corner.
  • Guys finally came over to fix the doorknob about three hours after initial call. Am now able to open, close, lock, and unlock front door without fuss.
  • Dressed in holiday-appropriate colors, and went with Elena for manicures and pedicures, where we were treated as the pretty, pretty princesses we are, and each had two people doing our nails. Happy pampering.
  • Went to favorite bagel shop for lunch. My tiara was much remarked upon. Elena almost picked up the guy who sat at our table after we got up, for she is smoooth with the bantering.
  • Walked over to the Met, and visited some of our favorite exhibits, taking occasionally amusing photos of ourselves in front of the art. Got cultured. Left.
  • Walked across Central Park. Purty. Took more pictures.
  • Subwayed down to the West Village, got a little lost in the warren of streets, and found our way to the Hudson before locating the famed Magnolia Bakery and buying ourselves some cupcakes.
  • Ate cupcakes. Went into sugar shock.
  • Found the almost impossible to locate unless you know where it is bar Chumley's, a former speakeasy. Had a couple of their home brews, and ran into two people I knew, both of whom loved my tiara.
  • Headed back uptown, and went to dinner at Brother Jimmy's. Reminisced about previous birthday celebrations held at their various locales. On this evening, however, no swamp waters were consumed, and certainly not seven of them.
  • Came home, made tea, ate cupcake, and watched "Gilmore Girls" and "The Daily Show." Read blogs. Caught up with friends and roomies. Enjoyed a happy wind-down to a really good day.

And, because I'm feeling generous, and I really happen to like this photo -- one of the many I took today, this one next to the Hudson River. Note the tiara.

Hope your days were as much fun as mine.


Blogger Boulder Dude said...

Ummm...no it was not...but then it wasn't my birthday. :)

Still some more time to go on Birthday girl week. :)

2/15/2006 1:23 AM

Blogger Miss Midwesterly said...

Tiara looks good on you! So does scarf!
Chumley's! We love Chumley's! We love the fish and chips at Chumley's! Hooray for Chumley's! Hooray for Kate!!!

2/15/2006 9:21 AM

Blogger DeAnna said...

You look wonderful. I'm glad you had a great birthday :)

2/15/2006 7:49 PM

Blogger Ted Carter said...

Quite a day, adn I'm sure you deserved it !

2/16/2006 4:18 PM


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