A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Monday, January 24, 2005

I have a Headache

I have a headache.


And there's a weird smell in my office that is not at all conducive to my non-headachyness. I think they're trying to drive me mad. Granted, it's a short trip, but still...

Anyway, it snowed and snowed and snowed this weekend. Big honking piles of it, now left sadly on every street corner, festooned with dabs of yellow for that truly festive look.

But despite all the snow, we did get a number of people in to look at the apartment, and decided to offer it to a nice girl from Westchester looking for her first apartment in the city. I've decided to call her Skipper. Not only is she young (recently post-college), but she's a sailor. With a boyfriend in the Navy, and don't think I didn't do a little happy hoedown when I heard that! Hello, Fleet Week!

Also, I've decided to take the big step and actually refer to Boy #3 by name. Yessir, I'm moving things forward. He shall henceforth be know as... Glow Boy! As soon as Maureen, Keeley and I decide on the actual date of our birthday party, I think I'm going to invite him down for it. I already mentioned it, come to think of it, and he seemed... interested, I think.

Finally, Boy #1 and I have rescheduled our date for the third time, and now plan to see Sideways on Wednesday. I'll keep ya posted.

P.S. I just took some Advil, and am hoping that works...


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