A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year, New Start

All sorts of new things going on! There's the wedding, of course, which is a big new thing that's going to happen, and includes with it the joy of a new husband (not that I had one before), a new roommate (the aforementioned husband, though I shall miss my current roomie dreadfully, particularly when I require someone to be funny on command, or, alternatively, want to sic new horrible movies on), new pets, and a new home with fresh newly painted walls and cabinets (some still in progress, with lots more progress on the whole home improvement kick yet to be made). Also new for the new year -- a new JOB, a new boss (ME!), and a NEW WEBSITE!

Yes, fans of ktbuffy, I'm going to be migrating my bloggy wisdom (such as it is) as it relates to books and agentry to a new and exciting blog, Ask Daphne! There's lots of work yet to do over there, but feel free to poke around and comment. We'll be officially open for business on February 1st, but I'm going to start blogging over there as much as I can in the meantime. If you have any pressing questions about publishing or agentry, send Daphne an email.

In other new news, Doyce and I rang in the New Year last night in a manner most befitting of how we hope to go on in 2008: together, curled up on the couch, watching a geeky movie. In this case, the extended edition of "The Return of the King."

For old times' sake, Oh Viggo! Viggo, Viggo, Viggo!! It's a little trip down memory lane to the very start of my blog. Enjoy.

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