A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Blog issues and requests

Ok, so I've been futzing with the blog template here for the last few days, trying out Front Page, hoping to figure out what all the html codes mean and how they work, and I think I've finally gotten most of it to where I want it to be. Maybe. Though I'd be more than happy to play around with it some more, if I could find someone to talk me through it. I think that's the thing -- I can mess around with it for ages more, but without knowing what I'm doing, it's just me messing around. If anyone wants to volunteer to talk me through a few more changes -- I really want this page in shades of purple rather than blue, I think -- I'll be happy to take you up on it.

In other news, I've been having a lovely, relaxing weekend down at the shore house. The weather's been perfect, the waves have been great, and except for a few too many jellyfish in the water, it's been truly ideal. I got a couple of good books read: Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, and Valiant by Holly Black. Both very good. Uglies has a sequel, Pretties, which I'll have to see about getting a copy of, while Valiant takes place in the same world as Black's previous novel Tithe, which I loved.

In other news, thank god for internet connection, though my sitting here at the beach house writing has lead my sister to ask if I was "writing one of those embarrassing blogs that's going to come back and haunt [me] later?" Well, yes, please, if I'm lucky. So let's all be sure to write lovely, potential awkward things here, shall we? And I've been able to keep in touch with a couple of other folks via Messenger, which has been really helpful in coordinating a storyline on CoH (which I hope those of you who know it are finding interesting. And for those of you who don't, here).

What else? Oh! I finished moving all of my old posts here to Blogger, so the archives are all up! And I hope I've fixed any old links in them, but if anyone comes across one that I haven't please feel free to let me know. I'd addicted to checking on my comments, now that I have them. Now though, I should go run around outside playing with the little munchkins. Ciao!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Sounds like a good weekend was had by all.

and a hearty huzzah if you ever do write anything embarrrassing enough to come back and haunt you later. ;P

9/06/2005 10:00 AM

Blogger Hythian said...

If you don't write anything embarassing.. What fun is maintaining a blog?

9/06/2005 3:36 PM

Blogger ktbuffy said...

That's what I thought! Plus, there's all the cool book deals that come out of blogs. I could be the next "Washingtonienne" or "Belle du Jour."

9/06/2005 3:44 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

KTBuffy as Washingtonienne...


You are a *little* bit behind on the curve on that one (yes...read it while it was still live and before she got fired).

So far, Street Corner Guy and FIB are the closest you got.

Now comparing Babeland and Comic Book stores...there's a niche market that has yet to be explored. :)

9/06/2005 4:12 PM

Blogger ktbuffy said...

Oh, I have a brilliant book idea. Truly brill. And you are in it, and you, and you...

9/06/2005 5:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hear ya re the "yes please embarrassing problem please in years to come".. my blog is full of idiot moments, but what a nice position it would be to have to "defend" it as a published writer.. :-) good luck with your embarrassment. ;-p

9/10/2005 6:48 AM


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