A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Fung Wah bus of Fun. Wah!

Sitting on the exciting Fung Wah bus on the way back from Boston to New York. Not as exciting or refreshing as sitting on the dock of the bay might be, but it gets us where we're going. Anja and I had a great time in Massachusetts with Kelly and her family, who are "wicked awesome," as they say up here. They invited us back for a pig roast - yes, a pig roast - in July, and we're seriously considering it. Just had such a blast hanging with Kelly, and if I'm going to spent a couple of hours every weekend to get out of the city, why not switch it up a bit sometimes, and head up here instead of the Shore? Something to think about...

The festival - or as Anja and I were singing all weekend, "the festival, the festival, the King's festival?" - was a lot of fun. Great music, first of all. We caught both of The Fenians' sets, then saw The Prodigals today, ran into Sean McCabe and the latest incarnation of The McCabes, and had a lot of fun dancing to... well, ok, for a new band (for us, at least) headed by a guy named Ashley MacIsaac from Canada. He had a yummy guitarist, too - Anja and I expect a scintillating update from Kelly tomorrow. If you know what I mean...

And did I mention the new McCabes? Not so bad either - I'll have to check out their next New York gig - since I already told Sean I heard their "new sound," I suppose I should back up my lie with a post-dated version of the truth.

Poor Terry, though. He so thought he might be getting some from either Anja or Kelly, and it just wasn't going to happen. Me, he'd just hug and ask when I was going to make his cousin famous by selling his book. Sigh. Not that I want his attention, but it's nice to be wanted.

At least I have my online porn co-author. Oh, excuse me... I mean "erotica.". Either way, my little CoH gal is quite happy. Now if only I could say the same, for the same reasons. Everything except for that's pretty darn super. Wicked good, even.


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