A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Help me find shoes!!

Ladies -- and any gentlemen who frequent shoe stores -- I'm putting out an A.P.B. for some purple shoes. Since my friend Kyrra's wedding a few years ago, where I saw she wore fabulous pink sandals with her wedding dress, I've been stuck on the idea of wearing purple shoes with my gown. Fast forward to now, when I've got the dress, but still no shoes. How can this be? I've looked at Prada, DSW, Stuart Weitzman, Kate Spade, and loads of other places, but still haven't found anything perfect. Sure, there's been some close calls. These were nice, but the version I saw of them in the store was too gladiator-y. These are great shoes, almost perfect, except for the shade of purple, which is a little too pink. These are close, but will I be able to swing dance in them? I had been thinking of something with an ankle strap. I love these, but they're from Kate Spade's wedding line, and only come in white. I don't want the hassle of dying, since my experience with that in the past has left me with dye marks all over my feet.

Anyway, so I turn to you, kind shoppers. On your travels around the internets and the stores of our fine city, could you let me know if you stumble across any great purple heels? Looking at something with at least a two inch heel, preferably open toe, with an ankle strap or slingback. If you need a reminder on the color purple I'm looking for, just check out the background on my blog!

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Blogger Mx said...

Have you considered something like www.myglassslipper.com and having them dyed?

7/19/2007 6:38 PM

Blogger DeAnna said...

Here is a shoe that is NOT you:


Not quite:


Perhaps too much for a wedding...


Ahh....Here we go :)


7/19/2007 8:10 PM

Blogger Mx said...

OK I'm a dork, I missed the dying comment, but the site does a bunch of shoes that come in plum and violet.... sorry for not reading fully, it's been a crazy day with the baby

7/19/2007 8:20 PM

Blogger ktbuffy said...

Ooh, I do like those Martinez Valero shoes, and I know where there's a store, too. Thanks, all!

7/19/2007 11:14 PM


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