A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Political Sum-Up

Through my office windows (I still get a kick out of saying that), the clouds race across the blue, blue sky like they're running away from something. The red states, maybe? I'm the last person who needs to be putting my views on the political process out there on the world wide web, but I've come across some interesting takes on the election from other sources, and wanted to share.

First, there's Jon Stewart's take on the election. I love Jon Stewart. And while you're poking around the Daily Show website, you will pee yourself watching this. Oh boy!

Then, for full coverage, check out The Onion, including this important news story, "God Puts His Tool Back in Office".

But really, we have more important things to talk about that the election, right? Right? Ummm... Hello?

No? Ok, I'll just be myself over here then, reading about other people's road trips .

I'd write more, but I'm saving my words for my novel. Only about another 45,000 words to go!! Thanks to the wonders of Excel spreadsheets, I know that at my current rate of writing, I'll finish sometime in December. Which would be cool, except it's not so much National Novel Writing "Season" as it is "Month." I've got to pick up the pace.

Though that does remind me - all my friends and loved ones: you don't mind if I use your lives, experiences, relationships, and conversations as fodder for my creative drive, do you? No? Good.



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