A geeky girl living in the big city, making her way, the only way she knows how... no wait, that's The Dukes of Hazzard. Who am I again? Oh yeah, a pop culture obsessed writer, publishing person, and occasional nerd. And I'm getting married. I talk about that, too.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Reading Update

Getting harder and harder to keep the internet researchers away from my tiny little corner of the web, so for those who might have found your way here, a note on what I'm reading.

I'm always a little dismayed when I look at my list of recent reads and see the same ten books that have been on there forever. Now, granted, I put up five of them the last time I updated, but that was way back over Labor Day weekend, when I had several days at the beach to enjoy some leisure reading. Since then, it's been all submissions, all the time.

Last night, I tackled four partials -- that is, five chapters each of four different novels. I liked one enough to consider asking for more, but I think I won't, since I'm only so-so about it. On my to-be-read pile (something I hope to tackle this weekend, and really cut down in size), I have two full manuscripts that I requested after reading the opening chapters, one full that I requested if some changes were made (based on the opening pages), and another full from an author who I've spoken to about another book, that she's currently revising based on my notes, and sent this other book in the meantime.

I also have a full manuscript that one of my current clients recommended to me, an adult novel from another current client, though we're concentrating right now on her middle grade manuscripts, and a possible YA novel from an author represented by another agent here, which is more pleasure reading than anything else. Finally, I have a middle grade novel one of the other agents here passed to me for my thoughts.

Oh, and I have Cecile Castellucci's "The Queen of Cool" from the library, after meeting her at SCBWI and loving "Boy Proof."

So, if you don't hear from me in days and weeks, and you're thinking of sending out a rescue party -- I'm probably just reading. Thank goodness there's nothing good on tv...

Oh shite. The new season is starting, isn't it? Oh boy...

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Blogger ktbuffy said...

And I'm not even mentioning the pile of queries I have to go through. Those at least are short, and very good for subway reading.

9/19/2007 1:37 PM

Blogger ktbuffy said...

A certain author reminds me that as of Friday night, I will have another new manuscript to read. But it's not on the pile YET, so it doesn't get counted.

9/19/2007 5:34 PM


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